One of the main advantages of investing in Malaysia property is the fact that real estate laws protect Malaysians and foreigners in equal measure. Foreigners may purchase properties with a minimum value of RM250,000 (USD82,500) and may own multiple properties in freehold or leasehold, depending on the land tenure in question. Property laws are based on British law.
With the introduction of the Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) programme, the decision to invest in Malaysia is effortless, and is open to all non Malaysians looking to live permanently in Malaysia or simply come for well deserved holidays.
MM2H applicants must first apply for a conditional approval letter which is issued by the country’s Immigration Department. Documentation proving your financial situation is also required.
Financial requirements for those
BELOW 50 years of age
- Open a fixed deposit account of RM300,000
- After one year, you may withdraw up to RM150,000 for approved expenses such as purchasing property, medical expenses or your children’s education in Malaysia.
- From the second year, you must maintain a minimum balance of RM150,000 in the account, which must be maintained throughout your stay in the country.
Financial requirements for those
ABOVE 50 years of age
- A choice of either putting RM150,000 into a fixed deposit account or show proof of a government-approved monthly off-shore income of a minimum of RM10,000.
- After one year, you may withdraw up to RM50,000 for approved expenses such as purchasing property, medical expenses or your children’s education in Malaysia.
- From the second year, you must maintain a minimum balance of RM100,000 in the account, which must be maintained throughout your stay in the country.
To apply or find out more information on the program and property ownership, visit either or
Great weather. Malaysia enjoys a truly tropical climate with warm days and cooler nights. The average temperature during the day is 27°C.
Political stability. Malaysia is a constitutional monarchy with a system of parliamentary democracy, and has enjoyed political stability since independence in 1957. The rule of law follows the British system of justice with an independent judiciary.
Low crime rate. With a relatively low crime rate, Malaysia is considered to be one of the safest countries in the region, making it ideal to raise children.
High standard of living. While the cost of living well in Malaysia is comparatively lower than most developing countries, the standard of living is high. Overall, spending power has progressively improved.
Medical facilities. World class medical facilities and care is available at a reasonable cost and the country is gaining a reputation for being the top healthcare hub in the region.
Accessibility and infrastructure. Every major city has an airport and train station. Islands can be flown to or have regular ferry / boat services. Landmark developments include KLIA (Kuala Lumpur International Airport), Cyberjaya, Putrajaya and the MSC (Multimedia Super Corridor).
English speaking. The national language is Malay (Bahasa Melayu) and English is widely spoken and considered to be the country’s second language.
Education. Pre-school through to university with a choice of either public or private, are available. There is a variety of international schools including British, Australian, American and French amongst others, systems of education.